Board Member Spotlight: Patricia (Pat) Bashaw
Pat has been on the Next Door Solutions’ Board of Directors since 2002. During her 19-year tenure she has served in many capacities including Chair in 2005 and 2006, and a member of the Executive, Governance, and Nominating Committees.
Pat is our board’s unofficial “historian” carrying institutional knowledge and playing a key role in the capital campaign 22 years ago for building HomeSafe, transitional housing for victims of domestic violence and their children.
She has been a champion for women’s issues and advocated for services being provided for victims of domestic violence. Pat is a connector ensuring in her professional role in HR that others are made aware that abuse by an intimate partner is prevalent in every community.
Above and beyond Pat’s almost 20 years of loyalty and devotion to Next Door Solutions is the important role she has played in establishing HomeSafe and unique and engaging fundraising e
vents such as Spa Day and a golf tournament to encourage kindness in the community and “taking care of each other”.
Pat has over 30 years of executive-level experience in successful public and private corporations, from start-up to maturity, focusing on Human Resources, including Genentech and Nellcor. She has served on the Board of Directors for several other agencies including Djerassi Resident Artists Program, the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation, and Women and Their Children’s Housing (WATCH). She was a member of Million Dollar Women, raising funds for transitional housing for victims of domestic violence in Santa Clara County.