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Survivor Story 1: This is my story
The police report had the basics: my name, the department’s logo, and my statement, neatly typed. But there was more: it included Next Door Solutions’ information. I am eternally grateful it did.
Coaching Boys Into Men
Leveraging The Power Of Sports to End Violence One Season At A Time. Middle School and High School Sports Coaches: Join our Prevention team for two "virtual coaching clinics." Prepare for the new sports season and learn how to incorporate CBIM into your coaching sessions and take the season to the next level!
Families for Peace | Familias por la Paz
A voluntary program for couples and families experiencing abuse in their relationship. Join others who recognize they have a problem in our free, 26 Week Program in partnership with A Turning Point.
La conferencia “Eligiendo Una Vida Saludable”
El Comité de Mujeres Fuertes of Next Door Solutions and the prevention team coordinated a virtual mini-conference on January 30.
Staff Spotlight – Aparna Dhoraje, Manager of Support Services
Celebrating 15 years of loyalty to Next Doors Solutions We are proud to be the recipient of dedication and hard work represented in the efforts of Aparna Dhoraje, Manager of Support Services, MA Counseling Psychology.
Philanthropy Now podcast: Domestic violence: an unseen crisis magnified by COVID-19
As we continue to confront the devastating pandemic within our communities and globally, we view domestic violence as a parallel pandemic.
Statement on the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol
A Renewed Call for Peace and Justice for our Nation. We, the Board of Directors and Staff of Next Doo
NDS signs on to the Nonprofit Racial Equity Pledge

VOTE: Getting Back to our Roots- The Personal is Political
Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence is proud of Rose and Rosy, El Comite Members, who participated in the VOTE video campaign.
We thank the CPEDV Campaign and California [ Read More … ]