The Shelter Next Door
Often those that come to our domestic violence shelter do so with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Addressing this sudden and abrupt departure, our confidential shelter and supportive services are a safe place where women can make informed decisions about their future.
We provide safe accommodations for approximately 19 people per night, women and their children (boys and girls up to age 18, and even into adulthood when accompanying their mothers). Two of our rooms are pet-friendly, but if those are not available, we work with the Humane Society of Silicon Valley to provide temporary housing for pets.
When the shelter is full, our advocates can provide alternative accommodation options.
While the shelter houses women and children, we provide alternative means to anyone who is at imminent risk and all services received by shelter residents, including case management and support groups.
Call our 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline for shelter needs: 408-279-2962.
Housing First
Our Housing First Program is focused on the prevention of homelessness due to domestic violence and helping survivors stay housed or assist with obtaining safe affordable permanent housing through short-term flexible financial assistance.
The Housing First Program offers the following services:
- assessment and resource referrals
- education about housing, landlord and tenant rights that will contribute to stronger housing stability and the path for a survivor to become self-sufficient
For more information about our Housing First Program, please call our 24/7 Crisis Hotline at 408-279-2962.
I am so thankful for all the Advocates who I have come in contact with during this time of transition, and their belief in me. I now have the supports I need to continue to push through – for myself and my children.
HomeSafe San Jose and Santa Clara
HomeSafe is the only service of its kind anywhere in Santa Clara County, serving over 200 domestic violence victims and their children each year. Founded in 1998 to address the need for long-term housing and support services for domestic violence victims and their children, Next Door Solutions worked in partnerships with other community partners to build two sites, one in San Jose and one in Santa Clara.
Managed by Charities Housing, a Community Housing Development Organization, HomeSafe offers 48 shared, affordable, permanent housing units for domestic violence victims and their children. Next Door Solutions provides transitional self-sufficiency services and Kids Club. While at HomeSafe, residents can participate in supportive intensive case management provided by an on-site Advocate to assist the survivor in making advancements in self-sufficiency. Children can engage in Kids Club services while their parent participates in group activities.
For more information about HomeSafe, please contact the 24/7 Crisis Hotline at 408-279-2962.