People often ask “Why does she stay with him?”
Those reasons are always complex but there are commonalities. Many women have been out of the workforce, discouraged from working or engaging in educational and career opportunities. That creates the dominant environment where women become dependent on their abusers.
The Self-Sufficiency program is committed to helping victims of domestic violence empower themselves so they may become self-resilient. It provides guidance and direction in job readiness, financial foundation and fundamentals, budgeting, personal organization, and life enrichment for survivors of domestic violence.
Self Sufficiency Services
Throughout the year, workshops are offered addressing options for furthering education, financial education, and career development.
Our community network extends our capabilities, with partners providing their expertise for the curriculum, and we offer a computer lab for survivors so they have access to online resources. Individualized case management around client-defined goals is available, and survivors are also supported through a weekly “self-sufficiency group” which meets Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. There, we discuss self-care and personal development.